Art Submission:
Click here for drop-off sheets:
This time around, we’ll be exploring something a little different.
1. Create an original fighting game character.
2. Create a tribute piece for an existing fighting game.
Please fill out the Original Character Submission portion in the drop-off form if you have created an original character.
Theme: Create your own fighting game characters and/or create a piece about your favorite fighting game!
Cute, funny, colorful always works best, but since this theme is dynamic, it’s okay to push the boundaries a bit. However, please be mindful that this is a family establishment so therefore no gratuitous violence, nudity, drug use, extreme gore, etc.
Scuplture Work:
Please be sure to secure your scultpure for display to prevent it from harm, theft or damage for the duration of the show.
Deadline: MARCH 20th 10pm.
We will not showcase any work that is received after the deadline.
Drop off dates: MARCH 17th – MARCH 20th 6pm-10pm at Cookies and Cream 1010 ½ Fair Oaks Ave. South Pasadena CA 91030. Please call (626) 789-1177 before you drop off and make sure we receive it in person.
Requirements: Art piece(s) + Artist drop-off sheet and Release Form.
This is due upon drop off.
Presentation: Must be framed (if applicable ) ready to hang easily.
Pieces must be wire backed if deemed necessary.
Commission: There will be a 60/40 cut on sold pieces. You receive 60%.
15% of the other 40% will be going to SPEF (The South Pasadena Education Fund.)
Safety: It will be your responsibility to package your piece safely for drop off, for storage and we are not liable for any damage.
Shipped Work: We are now accepting shipped artwork from artists. Pieces must be ready to hang and undamaged. PIECES MUST HAVE PRE-PAID RETURN SHIPPING. E-mail me at [email protected] to notify me of what to expect and a tracking number.
Ship to:
1010 1/2 Fair Oaks Ave.
South Pasadena CA
Please ensure your piece's safety.
Versus Show Artist Signup
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